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Teeth Whitening – Lebanon, NH

Achieve a Shinier Smile in as Little as Two Weeks

Lady smiles on beach?

Teeth process a lot of material over the decades, and frequent contact with items that are rich in pigments and dyes such as red wine, coffee, tea, berries, and colorful candies can leave them with unsightly dental stains and discoloration. Luckily, teeth whitening kits from Hanover Road Dental Health can help you achieve a brighter smile in as little as two weeks. Here’s a brief overview of how the process works, but please contact our staff if you have any questions.

Why Choose Hanover Road Dental Health for Teeth Whitening?

  • Achieve Brighter Teeth in a Few Weeks
  • Experienced Cosmetic Dentist
  • Financing Options Available

Who is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Lady smiles

When teeth are frequently exposed to the dyes and pigments found in foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine, berries, and colorful candies, they can gradually develop stains that can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic stains are located beneath the enamel while extrinsic ones form on the surface of the tooth. Almost anyone can be a good candidate for teeth whitening, but some may have to receive treatments for tooth decay and gum disease beforehand so the treatment can be administered safely. Teeth whitening has allowed many patients to gain the confidence they need to achieve in professional and social settings.

How Does Take-Home Teeth Whitening Work?

Professional teeth whitening kit

While there are many teeth whitening products available for purchase at stores, these often produce lackluster results and can result in injuries due to user error or poor manufacture. A professional teeth whitening kit from our office includes a tube of professional-grade whitening gel and a set of dental trays customized to fit your teeth perfectly. All you’ll have to do is apply the gel to the trays and wear them over your teeth for about an hour every day for two weeks. When the treatment is complete, your smile will be up to eight shades brighter.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Lady shows off pretty smile

Once you’ve invested in teeth whitening, it’s only natural that you’ll want to do what you can to preserve your results. While you’re welcome to come in for touch-up treatments if necessary, you can help your teeth stay whiter longer by eating plenty of dairy products that are rich in the nutrients you need to keep your smile shiny and bright. Limiting your intake of foods and beverages that are high in stain-causing pigments and dyes, maintaining an excellent oral hygiene regimen at home, and seeing us regularly for routine exams and cleanings are great ways to prevent new stains from forming.